Mrs Mills and Mr Sage are pleased to announce the Digital Leaders for 2023-2024. The quality of applications received this year was truly exceptional, making our decision quite challenging.
Year 5
Mason K, Harley L, Warwick B, James R, Evie G, Emily G, Vienna C, Elizabeth C, Daisy C, Leyla L.
Year 6
Archie H, Albert S, Isla B, Dylan ML, Elsie F, Louie H, Tyler B, Zachary B, Rosie C, Bertie D.
We look forward to working with you!
Mrs Mills is pleased to announce our Digital Leaders for 2022-2023. They have been carefully selected from UKS2 through an application process.
Well done to: Archie, Albert, Isla, Dylan, Elsie, Louie, Tyler, Zachary, Rosie, Bertie, Harry, Owen, Kaitlyn, Riley, Harrison, Matilda, Olivia, Callum, Ruby and Ivy.
They will meet weekly to develop their own computing skills but also be on hand to support staff, pupils and parents with all computing needs.
A fantastic new club which provides children with the opportunity to embed their computing skills, develop new ones and use their skills to support across the curriculum. The children have the opportunity to play Minecraft, BusyThings, Hit the Button, Sumdog, TTRS and many more.
Mr Sage runs the KS1 Computing Club on Monday 12.30-13.00.
A fantastic new club which provides children with the opportunity to embed their computing skills, develop new ones and use their skills to support across the curriculum. The children have the opportunity to use Scratch, Kodu, BusyThings, Sumdog, TTRS and many more.
This is a drop in club. No need to book.
Mr Sage runs the KS2 Computing Club on Thursday & Friday 12.30-13.00.
Loti has accurate drawing capabilities enabling it to draw complex 2D shapes, and it can also be programmed in a variety of units of measure.
Programmable, colour changing LEDs provide personalisation and engagement.
Loti has a variety of sensors including temperature, light, cliff edge, proximity and bumper sensors which enables it to respond to the local environment.
What is a better way to get kids interested in computers and programming than a gamified approach? The platform itself is built by Java, a powerful programming language. Kids can edit Java scripts or write their own to build “mods” which stands for modifiers. These modifiers or “mods” change the game for the better and enrich kids’ knowledge about new different things.
Miss Upcraft runs Minecraft Club on Monday and Friday: 3:20- 4:20