
Home > Statutory Info > Policies > Safeguarding

Riverside Primary School is committed to promoting the safety and welfare of its pupils.

We have several policies in place that ensure we meet our safeguarding duties, including our Child Protection Policy which can be located below. All staff and volunteers are subject to enhanced DBS checks and attend regular child protection training and updates.

Riverside has a commitment to safeguarding children that goes beyond child protection responsibilities and promotes the welfare of all children, protecting them from harm.

If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Smith, via the school office.

Linked Policies & Pages

Riverside Primary Schoool Safeguarding and Child Protection Leaders

Safeguarding Team

Mrs C Smith
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Headteacher

Miss E Shaw
Deputy DSL – Deputy Headteacher

Mrs K Watts
Deputy DSL – Deputy Headteacher

Miss S Marshall
Deputy DSL – SENCo

Ms T King
Deputy DSL – Pupil Support Manager

Mrs S Wellington
Deputy DSL – Learning Mentor

Mrs D Rice
Deputy DSL – Inclusion Assistant

Mrs L Walker
Safeguarding Governor

If you require paper copies of any of the information on this website, please contact us. Copies can be provided free of charge.