Ofsted and Performance Data

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KS2 Performance Data 2023-2024

At Riverside, we are proud of the progress and achievements of our pupils, which reflect our commitment to high standards and a nurturing learning environment. With outcomes in key areas such as maths and reading exceeding national averages, we continue to provide a strong foundation for our children’s future success. 

This page shows data for pupils who completed key stage 2 in the summer of 2024. These figures were published in December 2024. 

Pupils/students included in this performance data will have experienced some disruption due to Covid-19 earlier in their schooling, which will have affected individual pupils and schools differently.

  Riverside National
Pupils meeting expected standard in maths 89% 73%
Pupils meeting expected standard in reading 79% 74%
Pupils meeting expected standard in writing 70% 72%
Pupils meeting expected standard in reading, writing and maths 62% 61%
Pupils meeting higher standard in maths 11% 24%
Pupils meeting higher standard in reading 32% 28%
Pupils meeting higher standard in writing 13% 13%
Pupils meeting higher standard in reading, writing and maths 6% 8%

Progress score in reading, writing and maths

We are not able to calculate KS1-KS2 progress scores for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25. This is because there is no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to Covid-19 disruption. 

KS2 Results 2023

KS2 Assessment Results 2023

  Expected Higher standard
Greater Depth
Average Scaled Score
Reading 87% 33% 105.9
Writing 80% 26%
Maths 95% 29% 107.3
GPS 87% 35% 106.8
Reading, Writing and Maths combined 78% 11%



Our last Ofsted inspection took place in November 2023. The report was overwhelmingly positive and has confirmed that we continue to be a GOOD school.

Key statement from the report:

Pupils are highly enthusiastic about coming to Riverside. They enjoy their learning in lessons and the many other clubs and activities. As a result, pupils actively represent the school motto: ‘Where everyone matters and every day counts’

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