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Riverside Primary Governors

The governing body works closely with the Headteacher and staff, supporting the school in all strategic decisions. The Headteacher has delegated day-to-day responsibility for the running of the school.

All governors serve a four-year term of office. Parent governors may be re-elected, but only if they have a child at the school at the beginning of their term of office.

Local authority and community governors can be reappointed and teacher and staff governors are elected every four years.

Governors can be contacted via the school

Mrs Valerie Lucking
Chair of Governors
C/O Riverside Primary School
Ferry Road
Tel: 01702 230911

Our Clerk is Louisa Usherwood who can be contacted at

Role of the Governing Body

Governors meet once a term as a whole and discuss all policies, procedures and issues. They also meet in committees (Resources and Curriculum) once a term. Ad hoc working parties are convened as necessary.

The governing body believe effective governance is achieved through clearly defined policies, curriculum direction and teamwork with the whole school community.

The roles include:

  • Ensuring the school is a safe and welcoming environment for both students and staff;
  • Agreeing policies and procedures;
  • Reviewing, setting and monitoring aims and objectives for all school areas;
  • Financial control;
  • Involvement in school activities, including lesson visits and accompanying school trips.

Training for governors, both newly appointed and more experienced, is provided by Governor Services at Essex County Council and all governors are encouraged to attend appropriate training. Specific training tailored to our needs is also available.