Riverside News Issue 440 – 17.01.25

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Riverside News

STAR of the Week

Leopard: Iris M

For always striving to be a Risky Risk Taker with her learning.
We are so proud of Iris for being such an enthusiastic and happy learner!

Zebra: Esme L

For always coming into school first thing and completing her early morning work straight away every day. Esme has been writing the most amazing sentences, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Well done Esme. Keep up the great work.

Lion: Violet S

For your enthusiasm for learning this week. You have loved exploring the areas of the classroom and even shared some great adjectives to describe the Bog Baby. Well done, Violet.

Bear: Jaxon B

For excellent effort across the curriculm. You always strive to do your best in every subject and participate in all tasks with enthusiasm. What a wonderful role model!

Otter: Dolly M

For working hard in maths to solve missing number problems and for being aware of your number formation. You have also tried extremely hard in phonics this week to recall all of the codes we have learnt. Keep up the good work!

Seal: Henry P

For sharing fantastic ideas during our Geography lesson this week. Henry explained what a jungle is, named countries with jungle, and described their warm, rainy climates. Great job Henry!

Dolphin: Hudson B

For showing STAR qualities in our maths lessons – listening well on the carpet, answering questions and showing resilience in completing the activities. You have definitely strived to do your best this week and achieved a good knowledge of money. Well done Hudson.

Tiger: Hayden C

For making excellent progress with his Maths this week; multiplying a 2 digit number with 1 1 digit number and for being a super classroom monitor; keeping the classroom nice and tidy. Keep up the good work Hayden!

Panda: Leilani K

For your active participation and thoughtful predictions in science were truly impressive. You explained your ideas and showed great understanding and curiosity, it’s clear you put a lot of thought into your observations. Keep up the fantastic work!

Turtle: Theo W-Y

For his outstanding reading! Each week, he works hard on his reading homework and consistently achieves great results in his Accelerated Reader tests, demonstrating an excellent understanding of the books he reads.

Giraffe: Oliver C

For continuously showing your readiness and focus when the teacher is addressing the class. You listen carefully to instructions, setting a fantastic example for your classmates and helping to maintain your excellent dedication to your learning.

Monkey: Blake C

For outstanding achievements in PE. Your unparalleled enthusiasm and exceptional demonstration of rolls were truly commendable.

Kangaroo: Freya S

For showing great perseverance and working really hard in Maths

Koala: Deekshitha Y

For her amazing reading stamina, she has completed over 80 reading Acceltrated Reading tests and has passed nearly all of them! She is definitly a star reader!



W/E: 10/01/25

Overall Attendance

Reporting Pupil Absence

This is a reminder to all parents/carers that the correct way to report absences is to leave a message on the absence line answerphone daily. If messages are sent by email to the admin email address they will not be registered in time for the morning attendance and you may then receive a call from our attendance team.


Below are a list of letters, leaflets and posters uploaded to the website this week.

Leaflets/Posters for Parents

Letters sent this week

Infant Music Festival – 17.01.25

Panto Initial Letter 2025 – 16.01.25

Photo and Video Permissions Update – 16.01.25

Previous letters, leaflets and posters can be found on the school website Events & Letters > Letters & Parent Meetings


No Crossing Patrol
We have been informed by Essex County Council that the crossing patrol lady will not be on duty on Friday 31 January 2025. Please therefore ask your children to be vigilant when crossing.

KS1 Playground
Please do not allow children to play on the equipment either before/after school. At the end of the day, parents and children should leave the site promptly . This enables us to open up the playground for our other clubs. Thank you.

KS2 Playground
Please note that the day in KS2 does not start until 8:40am when the doors open. Children should not be left unsupervised on the playground before this time. Children should not play on the equipment. Thank you

SEN coffee mornings

Here are the SEN coffee morning dates for 2024-2025. If you have a child currently on the SEN register, are curious about an element of SEN or simply would like to come along for a chat about something SEN related, please attend.
They will be held in the red building meeting room at 9:10. If you would like to attend, please drop an email to sen@riversideprimary.co.uk.
  • 6th February- 2.30pm
  • 20th March- Focus to follow
  • 8th May- Focus to follow
  • 26th June- Focus to follow
We look forward to seeing you, 
Miss Marshall and Mrs Rice


Over the weekend, Freya S competed in the Essex Age Group Swimming Championships at the London Aquatic Centre, participating in the 50m freestyle event. As one of the youngest swimmers to qualify, she faced some of the best 11-and-under competitors in the county, many of whom had far more experience. At just 9 years old, qualifying for such a prestigious event is a remarkable achievement and an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience for next year, when she will compete at an older age. Her dedication to training—swimming 4-5 times a week, often as early as 5:30 am before school—is clearly paying off.

10% Discount for Parents until 31 March 2025

Photo and Video Permissions Update

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Facebook page and Instagram page coming soon! This will allow us to share updates, events, and the vibrant life of our school with our community. Due to this new development, it is essential that we ensure we have accurate permissions regarding the use of photos and videos of your child.

To streamline this process and ensure clarity, we will rely solely on the permissions you provide via the designated Google Form. This form allows you to indicate your preferences regarding the use of your child’s photos and videos for school-related purposes, including on the new Facebook/Instagram page.

We kindly ask that you complete the Google Form by Friday 31st January at 9am to ensure your preferences are recorded accurately. If you need to update your preferences at any time, please contact the school office for assistance.

Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/FBCx64qztsxTL8Hx5

Follow us on:

Important Reminder: No Riding Bikes or Scooters on School Grounds

We would like to remind all parents and carers that, for the safety of everyone, children (including younger siblingsare not permitted to ride their bikes or scooters on the school site. Mornings and afternoons are particularly busy, and riding on school grounds presents a serious hazard to others.

Please ensure that your child[ren] dismounts from their bike or scooter before entering the school gates and walks it to the designated racks. At the end of the day, they should collect their bike or scooter and walk it off-site before riding home. 

If school staff notice children riding bikes or scooters on site, they will be asked to dismount immediately.

Thank you for helping us keep our school safe and welcoming for all.

Persistent Absences

If your child takes too much time off school they will become categorised as PA or persistently absent.  Missing school will make your child fall behind in lessons and will impact on their academic progress and achievement. 

Below is the percentage of children per year group who currently fall into this category.  If you are worried about your child’s school attendance, please do not hesitate to contact the school where we can work with you to improve this.

Year Group % of
Persistent Absences
R 20%
1 7%
2 11%
3 9%
4 13%
5 7%
6 16%
Overall 12%

Bronze Reading Awards

Well done to the following children who have received their Bronze award for reading 50 times.

Year R

  • Emilio W
  • Isabelle A
  • Sofia R
  • Aurora B
  • Georgia T
  • Harriett P
  • Jackson B
  • Taine N

Year 1

  • Jaxon B
  • Harrison B
  • Oscar K

Year 2

  • Oscar B
  • Madeleine C
  • Tilly M
  • Thea S

Year 3

  • Darcey B

Year 4

  • Florence D
  • George H
  • Esme M-S

Silver Reading Awards

Well done to the following children who have received their Silver award for reading 100 times.

Year 2

  • Hollie B
  • Sam P

Year 3

  • Olivia L
  • Frankie M
  • Leo G
  • Oliver O

Year 4

  • Samuel S
  • Finley T-W
  • Theo W-Y
  • Ronnie M

Year 5/6

  • Freddie H
  • Andrew O
  • Mark K
  • William O
  • Sophie Ho
  • Sophie Ha
  • Baylee A
  • Elizabeth C
  • Lydia H
  • Ayla L
  • Abigail S
  • Warwick B
  • Anna H
  • Sofie W
  • Vienna C
  • Tiana T

Team Points

Personal Contact Details

As you are aware we keep confidential records on our systems with parents/carers contact details, ie. addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses.

If you have recently made any changes could you contact us on admin@riversideprimary.co.uk so we can update our systems please.

Makaton Sign of the Week

We’re excited to share our ‘Sign of the Week’—Kind

Year 6 SATS Information Recording


Times Tables Challenge - Quiz! - Microsoft AppsTimes Tables

Congratulations to the following Year 3/4 children who have earned their;

Bronze award as they can fluently and rapidly recall the 2,5 and 10 times tables.

  • Ella C
  • Josephine M
  • Jacob N
  • Devon F
  • Ronnie-Ray S

Silver award as they can fluently and rapidly recall the 3, 4, 6 and 11 times tables.

  • Oliver C

Supporting Families with ADHD: A Resource for Parents

Are you a parent of a child diagnosed with ADHD or showing traits of it? You’re not alone. Navigating the world of ADHD can be challenging, but an invaluable support network is just a click away!

Our featured website, created by a dedicated group of volunteers, is a hub of information, advice, and resources for families managing ADHD. Whether you’re looking for practical strategies, up-to-date information, or a supportive community, this platform offers it all.

What Does the Support Group Offer?

  • Peer Support: Join a network of parents and individuals with ADHD sharing real-life experiences, tips, and encouragement.
  • Positive Environment: Discover ways to help children with ADHD enjoy life while connecting with others in a relaxed, helpful setting.
  • Community Engagement: Learn how this group is raising awareness of ADHD in schools, healthcare, and beyond.
  • Informative Events: Attend focus groups, online support sessions, and talks led by experts to address key topics like managing emotions, school strategies, and ADHD in adults.

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendar for these exciting opportunities to connect and learn:

  • ADHD Family Focus Group Support Sessions: Held monthly in Chelmsford at Boreham Village Hall.
  • Online Support Sessions: Easily accessible from home, with topics like “Understanding ADHD” and “ADHD and Emotions.”
  • Special Talks and Guest Speakers: Gain insights from professionals on ADHD management and education.

For a full list of events and booking details, visit the website’s Eventbrite page or their Facebook community for updates. 

Learn More

ADHD+ Support


We are excited to share that we have begun the OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) project to enhance the lunchtime experience even furtherfor your children. The aim is to provide more opportunities for creative and active play. 

Please keep an eye out for a parent survey that will be sent to you soon. This section of the newsletter will keep you updated on our OPAL journey, including upcoming developments and ways you can get involved.

Also, if you are having a clear-out, please look out for our donation requests for resources to enhance the playground. Your contributions would be greatly appreciated!

Parents’ survey about playtime at school

Dear parents and carers,

We are looking at our playtimes and thinking about how we can improve them by introducing the Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Primary Programme.

Can you help? We really want to know what you think of playtimes now.


Thank you in advance.

Please can any donations brought in be left in the red building reception area. Thank you

11+ 2025 Entry Important Dates



At Riverside, we love celebrating our pupils’ achievements, both inside and outside of school. If your child has accomplished something beyond the classroom, we want to hear about it!

Please email admin@riversideprimary.co.uk with a brief description along with any photos of their achievement. We’ll be thrilled to showcase their success in our weekly newsletters.

Childcare Vouchers

Tax free childcare vouchers can be used to pay for Breakfast and Twilight sessions.

Breakfast club cost £6 per session.

Please arrive in between 7.30 – 8.15am. Your child will be walked back to their class by a member of staff when the school day begins.

Included in this cost will be a drink and a breakfast of toast and cereal.

Twilight club cost £7.50 per session.

Twilight Club runs from 3:15pm to 5pm. Your child will be taken to Twilight club by their class teacher at the end of the school day.

Included in this cost children are provided with a drink and healthy snack

Bookings must be booked 24 hours in advance via ParentPay.

To contact a member of the Twilight staff, please call 01702 230911 and select the Twilight Club option.


Red Note App

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This week, we have noticed a significant shift as many young people are transitioning from TikTok to a new app called Red Note. We want to ensure that you have some key information about this platform, as it is rapidly gaining popularity among students.

What is Red Note? Red Note is a social media app that allows users to create, share, and interact with short video clips and music. Similar to TikTok, it provides tools for video editing, adding music, and engaging with others through comments and likes. However, Red Note distinguishes itself with features such as:

  • Music-focused content: Greater emphasis on music and audio creativity.

  • Collaboration tools: Easy-to-use options for duet and group video creation.

  • Discovery options: Enhanced algorithms for finding new music and creators.

What should parents be aware of? As with any social media platform, it’s essential to understand the app’s features and potential risks:

  1. Privacy Settings: Red Note allows users to control who can see their content and interact with them. Encourage your child to set their account to private and approve followers carefully.

  2. Content Moderation: Although the app has measures to filter inappropriate content, not all material may be suitable for young users. Discuss responsible use and encourage them to report anything upsetting or inappropriate.

  3. Screen Time: Red Note can be highly engaging, and time spent on the app can quickly add up. Set boundaries for screen time to ensure a healthy balance.

  4. Online Interactions: The app includes public comment sections, which may expose users to negative interactions. Remind your child about respectful online behaviour and how to handle negative comments or unwanted interactions.

How can you support your child?

  • Explore the app together: Spend time understanding how Red Note works and what your child enjoys about it.

  • Encourage open communication: Let your child know they can talk to you if they encounter anything upsetting.

  • Set ground rules: Agree on usage guidelines, such as time limits and privacy settings.

  • Stay informed: Regularly check for updates about the app and stay aware of trends or changes.

Further Resources If you would like more guidance on supporting your child’s online safety, the following organisations offer excellent resources:

We understand the importance of staying informed about the digital world our students are part of. If you have any questions or concerns about Red Note or any other online platforms, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Adult Shirts Needed!

As part of our OPAL project, we are looking for donations of old adult-sized shirts to be used in our outdoor digging area. These will help keep the children clean and comfortable while they explore and enjoy outdoor play.

If you have any old shirts to spare, please drop them off in the red building foyer.

Thank you for your support in helping us create a fun and enriching outdoor play environment!

Dinner Menu

We are operating a two week rolling menu. The menus, ingredients and allergen lists can be viewed on our website by clicking here.

Schools Dinners are free (UFSM) for children in EYFS & KS1 (Years 1 & 2) and for families eligible for FSM (Free School Meals). For children in KS2, who are not entitled to FSM please see pricing below.

Main Meal
Vegetarian Meal
Jacket Potato
Grab Bags

Football/Netball fixture list for 2024/25

Trouble viewing? Please click here.



Dates not shown on previous issues are added in RED!

Spring 1 2025

22/01/25 — Year 3 Dance Festival

22/01/25 — Year 4 – Art Walk by the River

22/01/25 — EYFS Local Area Walk – Leopard & Zebra

23/01/25 — EYFS Local Area Walk – Lion

27/01/25 — EYFS Fire Officer Visit

27/01/25 — KS1 Computing Workshops

28/01/25 — Year 3 Dance Show to Parents – Blue Hall at 2.30pm

31/01/25 — No Crossing Patrol

31/01/25 — Year 1 Library Visit

31/01-06/02/25 — Year 1-6 East of England Maths Contest

07/02/25 — Police officer/cars visit to EYFS

11/02/25 — Safer Internet Day 2025

11/02/25 — 2 Johns Workshops – Details to follow

11/02/25 — EYFS Road Safety Presentation to parents and children

12/02/25 — EYFS Road Safety Presentation to parents and children

12/02/25 — Active Maths Festival – Year 3

13/02/25 — 2 Johns Parents Workshop – Details to follow

14/02/25 — Children break up today

Half Term – Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February 2025

Spring 2 2025

24/02/25 — Children return back to school

25/02/25 — Parent/Teacher Consultations 3:30 – 6:30pm

27/02/25 — Parent/Teacher Consultations 3:30 – 6:30pm

06/03/25 — World Book Day 2025

11/03/25 — Year 4 MTC presentation to parents – 3:30pm

12/03/25 — PTA Wonderful Women’s Sale

20/03/25 — Year 1 Phonics Presentation to parents – 3:30pm

Easter Holidays – Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April 2025