This is a reminder to all parents/carers that the correct way to report absences is to leave a message on the absence line answerphone daily. If messages are sent by email to the admin email address they will not be registered in time for the morning attendance and you may then receive a call from our attendance team.
Below are a list of letters, leaflets and posters uploaded to the website this week.
Letters sent this week
Previous letters, leaflets and posters can be found on the school website Events & Letters > Letters & Parent Meetings
Southend United are launching their first ever girls only session. It will run every Monday from 5.30 – 7 at The Deanes School on their brand new 4G pitch.
The cost is £12.50 per week. Within that costing is cover for the session every week, as well as a session to do at home or in the park focussing on ball mastery and core exercises via an app. You will also receive one short video every week with guidance on a range of topics such as sleep patterns, nutrition, recovery and many more.
The centre is not an elite academy, it is a session for all girls to play football. We are hopeful of creating an elite session in future years but for now this is the first step we are making towards creating a girl’s programme with depth and quality.
If you would like to sign up, please click on the link https://southendunitedcommunityandeducationaltrust.coordinate.cloud/project/57187 or alternatively contact Tom Bailey on leadfpcoach@southend-united.co.uk
Our new grab bag range ‘Row Row’s’ starts Monday. You can pre-order now on ParentPay.
21 September 2024 — SATURDAY MAIN 11+ DAY
1 October 2024 — TUESDAY TEST DAY for applicants that have a religious objection to sitting on a Saturday or are ill on the main day.
14 October 2024 — Results will be emailed to all candidates.
31 October 2024 — Published closing date for the receipt of applications to Local Authorities.
Please email admin@riversideprimary.co.uk with a brief description along with any photos of their achievement. We’ll be thrilled to showcase their success in our weekly newsletters.
To see more posters swipe your screen. Further posters for events can be found by clicking here.
Hi Teacher / School Administrator,
The countdown is on to the first game of the season as United Women take on West Ham at Old Trafford (Sat 21 Sept, KO 12:00). Maya le Tissier (our new captain), Ella Toone and the rest of the squad would love your support! We are pleased to share an EXCLUSIVE schools offer for you! For every six child tickets purchased for the game, you can claim a free adult ticket! (Child Tickets are priced at only £7.50. Adults £15) How to claim… |
We are operating a two week rolling menu. The menus, ingredients and allergen lists can be viewed on our website by clicking here.
School Dinners cost £2.60 per day.
Tax free childcare vouchers can be used to pay for Breakfast and Twilight sessions.
Breakfast club cost £6 per session.
Please arrive in between 7.30 – 8.15am. Your child will be walked back to their class by a member of staff when the school day begins.
Included in this cost will be a drink and a breakfast of toast and cereal.
Twilight club cost £7.50 per session.
Twilight Club runs from 3:15pm to 5pm. Your child will be taken to Twilight club by their class teacher at the end of the school day.
Included in this cost children are provided with a drink and healthy snack
Bookings must be booked 24 hours in advance via ParentPay.
To contact a member of the Twilight staff, please call 01702 230911 and select the Twilight Club option.
Please do not allow children to play on the equipment either before/after school. At the end of the day, parents and children should leave the site promptly . This enables us to open up the playground for our other clubs. Thank you.
Please note that the day in KS2 does not start until 8:40am when the doors open. Children should not be left unsupervised on the playground before this time. Children should not play on the equipment. Thank you
Dates not shown on previous issues are added in RED!
21/09/24 — PTA Summer Fete
24/09/24 — EYFS Phonics Presentation at 9am
03/10/24 — Year 6 ASA workshops
08/10/24 — EYFS presentation to parents – how the EYFS curriculum works
10/10/24 —HARP assemblies
25/10/24 —PTA: Spook-A-Thon
25/10/24 —Children break up today
04/11/24 — Children return today
05/11/24 — Parent/Teacher Consultations 3:30 – 6:30pm
07/11/24 — Individual/Sibling Photographs
07/11/24 — Parent/Teacher Consultations 3:30 – 6:30pm
15/11/24 — Children in Need
21/11/24 — EYFS 2025 Open Evening
22/11/24 — Non-Pupil Day – INSET
25/11/24 — Non-Pupil Day – INSET